International Day of Mathematics – Inspire Your Students with these Maths-Aligned Careers
March 14 is The International Day of Mathematics, also known as Pi Day, because it can be written as 3.14 (geddit?), but for maths lovers – every day is world maths day. Just like decimals, this article does have a point: Inspire your students with these maths-aligned careers.

Trigonometry is a sine of the times (obvious maths careers)
Maths teacher – share your love of numbers with the next generation
Financial advisor, banker – trying to make money multiply
Underwriter, mortgage broker – plotting with other people’s money
Accountant, book-keeper – you can count on them to keep you honest
Mathematician, statistician – it would be odd not to include them on the list
Auditors – don’t let people go off on a tangent with their money
Economist, cost estimator (building industry etc) – for people who don’t like unpredictability or remainders
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Mathematicians never die, they only lose some of their functions (less obvious careers)
Scientist, physicist, engineer – maths is the base of most sciences
Software developer, algorithm engineer, computer programmer – all those 0s and 1s need to be told what to do
Market researcher – find out what people really mean when they go shopping
Actuary – determine the risks businesses can face in multiple scenarios
Pharmacy technicians – people are counting on you to get the dosage right
Architect – you will need geometry and trigonometry and all the metrys to design buildings that are better than average
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A ‘jiffy’ is a real measurement of time (totally cool careers)
Research analyst, data analyst – running the numbers in everything from politics to social media trends, universities, not-for-profits, intelligence agencies, sports, betting and more
Logistics, supply chain manager – manage the (co)efficient flow of goods, services and information
Cybersecurity expert – an ethical hacker who breaks into systems the right way
Epidemiologists – solving the mystery of patient zero for outbreaks across the globe
Pilots – you’d hope your pilot has a basic understanding of angles of climb and descent
AI developer – creating robots to help solve problems
Google mapmaker, GIS analyst (Geographic Information System) – you’ll always be plotting something
Futures forecaster – the future is like Pi, it goes on forever but someone needs to predict it
Test kitchen cook – you will need to be able to manipulate measurements in order to get the taste right
Astronomer – for those who believe in higher powers