
Skeleton staff at Queensland schools to keep COVID out

From Wednesday, 4 August, Queensland Schools will implement new staffing arrangements that maintain the minimum number of staff required onsite to avoid the further spreading of COVID 19 in our schools.

Minister for Education Grace Grace said it was under the advice of the Chief Health Officer that in the 11 local government areas (LGAs) in lockdown, the number of people at our schools is minimised to absolute essential needs.

“Queensland has done so well in keeping COVID-19 out of our schools up until now, but the Delta variant is a different situation, and we have to tackle its spread in a different way”, she said.

“Principals are working with all of their staff to enable them to make staffing decisions suitable for their school.

“The number of staff at each school will be based on the number of children in attendance and student learning needs. Options such as rotation of which staff are on school sites over the next few days are being considered for implementation. Under this arrangement, staff not at schools will be working from home.

“The Chief Health Officer has also asked that students of essential workers or vulnerable children in attendance at schools in the 11 LGAs should be arranged in small groups (i.e. 5 to 10) wherever possible to minimise any potential health risks. This is particularly important in high schools.  

“Student attendance today was 6-7% across the 11 LGA’s which is a great sign that people are following advice and staying at home.

“Remote learning starts today. Our schools are ready for the current stay-at-home advice. Our planning and responses to COVID-19 over the past 16 months have put us in a strong position.

“I thank everyone in our school communities for their hard work, flexibility and cooperation over the last few days.”

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