Dress code controversy resolved: Hindu girl returns

After being called out publicly last month, Aranmore Catholic College (ACC) in Leederville (Perth) has welcomed back 15-year-old Sanya Singhal after 6 weeks of exclusion.
The girl is now allowed to wear her nose stud uncovered, her mother told the West Australian this week. Hindu statesman Rajan Zed called it a “teachable moment” and released a statement demanding that the school’s Uniform and Grooming Guidelines “should be amended accordingly for future”.
“It was shocking for the hard-working, harmonious and peaceful WA Hindu community, who had made lot of contributions to the state and society, to receive such signals of maltreatment.”
READ MORE: Hindu group seeks investigation of Perth Catholic school over dress code dispute
The school was lambasted by the president of the Universal Society of Hinduism for allegedly removing the teenager because she was wearing a cultural nose stud.
Sanya’s mother previously told the newspaper: “They have exceptions for the Islamic girls by allowing them to wear their headscarf, but we were told our cultural needs are not relevant.”
School News originally reached out to ACC and principal Declan Tanham directly to clarify the situation and include their response but received no reply.