
Brentwood Park Primary student wins one of the largest student art comps in Australia

7-year-old Pulasi Manangoda wowed competition judges with her artwork over COVID lockdown.

The second-grader’s win also means Brentwood Park Primary School will receive a $3,000 art grant. 

“All art helps calm me down and helps to get out of stress,” says Pulasi. 

Brentwood Primary Principal is thrilled with his student’s win: “The school really values the art program at Brentwood Park and it’s showcased every week in the school newsletter. The grant that Camp Australia has given because of Pulasi winning the competition means we will be able to add further resources to an already great arts program.”

Pulasi says her artwork represents her: “I am Pulasi, a beautiful little girl who loves my family, nature, studies, and travelling around the world.”

I was inspired to do this piece of art because of all the patterns and colours. They are everywhere around us.

The BIG Art & Expression Competition is run by Camp Australia to provide children with a creative outlet during a challenging year. Representative Tom Dusseldorp adds: “Through the competition, we’ve seen firsthand the ways these young children are building resilience in these difficult times through art and creative expression. Many found their voice to help them make sense of the uncertainty.

We saw an incredible response like never before on a national scale. It gave young people, through the power of art, a way to process the events of this year during a time of restriction and uncertainty.

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