New QLD school programs to tackle cyberbullying
Students in 55 Queensland state and non-state schools will undertake new specially targeted programs designed to keep them safe from the dangers and perils of cyberbullying.

The initial $750,000 roll-out is backed by a partnership between the Palaszczuk Government, Dolly’s Dream and the Alannah and Madeline Foundation.
The two charities aim to change the culture of bullying in our schools and our community.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said tragically, cyberbullying is one of the gravest issues facing us today.
“Cyberbullying enables the troubles young people experience through the day just don’t end at the school gate.
Yes, the internet is a great place for students to learn and socialise. Sadly, however there are so many traps and risks out there just waiting to snare and damage them.
“We are working proactively with Dolly’s Dream and the Alannah and Madelaine Foundations to better equip parents and schools,” Ms Palaszczuk said.
“It’s imperative we teach our school communities about online behaviours, social media and the tools needed to tackle cyberbullying.
“That’s exactly what these eSmart programs are all about.
“It’s encouraging to see such a large mix of state and non-state schools right round Queensland have applied to be part of this latest vital initiative,” Ms Palaszczuk said.
Education Minister Grace Grace said we are committed to doing everything we can to help stamp out this insidious problem in our society and as a community, we’re doing it together.
“The partnership with Dolly’s Dream and the Alannah & Madeline Foundation is a key feature of the Government’s $3.5 million on-going commitment to implement the recommendations of the Anti-Cyberbullying Taskforce.
This is just one of the ways we can reach all corners of our state and further educate our children that cyberbullying is unacceptable, it’s hurtful and it’s dangerous.
“As part of the new initiative, an officer from the Alannah & Madeline Foundation will be located in Queensland to ensure schools receive timely support, if and when they need it.”
“And there are already a number of cybersafety programs in place across Queensland state schools,” Ms Grace said.
“As part of our eSmart programs, schools are able to roll out the eSmart Schools Framework, hold workshops for parents and teachers and provide digital licences for individual students,” she said.
“The value of the programs ranges from $500 to $14,000 depending on each component of the program and the number of students involved,” Ms Grace said.
CEO of Alannah & Madeline Foundation Lesley Podesta welcomed the opportunity to work with more Queensland schools.
“We have to do everything we can to make sure children are safe from cyberbullying,” Ms Podesta said.
“Being able to work with so many Queensland schools gives us the opportunity to educate more students, teachers and parents, and to raise awareness of the potential risks of cyberbullying.”
The number of cybersafety programs already in place across Queensland state schools are:
- The Safe and Supportive School Communities Working Group (SSSC) provides advice on bullying, harassment and violence for teachers, parents and students through the Bullying. No Way! Website
- A specialist Bullying Response team of senior officers are in place to respond immediately to referrals for urgent advice and support to families affected by bullying
- The SSSC also delivers the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, held in March ever year
- The Department has a dedicated team of specialists in the Cybersafety and Reputation Management Team (CRMT) to help schools to respond to and prevent inappropriate online behaviour.
List of participating schools in the eSmart Program:
School | Sector |
Biloela State High School | State |
Gladstone West State School | State |
Glenden P-12 State School | State |
St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Emerald | Catholic |
Taranganba State High School | State |
Toolooa State High School | State |
Moffatdale State School | State |
Newtown State School | State |
Pittsworth State High School | State |
St Joseph’s School, Stanthorpe | Catholic |
Wyreema State School | State |
Bentley Park State College | State |
Cooktown State School | State |
Good Counsel College, Innisfail | Catholic |
Gordonvale State High School | State |
Kairi State School | State |
Miallo State School | State |
Woree State High School | State |
Aspley State Special School | State |
Boondall State School | State |
Brisbane Christian College, Salisbury | Independent |
Camp Hill Infants and Primary State School | State |
Immaculate Heart Catholic School, West Ipswich | Catholic |
Mount Gravatt State School | State |
Northgate State School | State |
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School | Catholic |
Padua College, Kedron | Catholic |
Riverview State School | State |
Springfield Lakes State School | State |
St Agatha’s Primary School, Clayfield | Catholic |
St Aidan’s Anglican Girls School, Corinda | Independent |
St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace | Catholic |
Whites Hill State College | State |
Kawungan State School | State |
Kurwongbah State School | State |
Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School, Caloundra | Catholic |
Peregian Beach College | Independent |
Tullawong State School | State |
Undurba State School | State |
Urangan State High School | State |
Collinsville State High School | State |
Good Shepherd Catholic College, Mount Isa | Catholic |
Home Hill State High School | State |
Ignatius Park College, Townsville | Catholic |
Ingham State High School | State |
Kalamia State School | State |
St John Bosco Catholic School, Collinsville | Catholic |
St Joseph’s Catholic School, Mundingburra, Townsville | Catholic |
St Joseph’s Catholic School, The Strand, North Ward, Townsville | Catholic |
Biggera Waters State School | State |
Blackall Range Independent School | Independent |
Helensvale State High School | State |
Shailer Park State School | State |
Southport State School | State |
Springwood Road State School | State |