Great leaders support teacher wellbeing

Teaching is a rewarding and positive career choice; it can be one of the most rewarding professions in the community. The influence a teacher has on helping to shape the future of so many young people is often profound. But at times, teaching can also be extremely challenging,
More than 1 in 4 Australian teachers suffers from emotional exhaustion after starting their careers and expect to leave the profession within the first 5 years of teaching. One of the major reasons for higher levels of stress and burnout includes tougher emotional conditions than they expected, coupled with a lack of wellbeing support and preparation.
Mental health conditions arising from stress in the workplace have become an increasingly important concern for employers, and workplace claims have far-reaching impacts within schools, even beyond the budget bottom line.
“Supporting teacher wellbeing is a valid and appropriate activity for the profession as it enhances the capacity of schools to not only meet the needs of their students, but to positively impact on the whole school community,” said Paul Geyer, Chief Executive Officer, Principals Australia Institute. “According to a WorkCover Australia report in 2014, teachers make more mental stress claims than any other profession. The education sector represents 16% of all mental stress claims made to WorkCover” [1], he said.
Principals Australia Institute (PAI) understands the importance of teacher health and wellbeing and the impact this has on the everyday interactions with students. That’s why it has developed the Teacher Wellbeing workshop. The Teacher Wellbeing workshop helps teachers to recognise that it is ok to look after themselves – that their own wellbeing is important, in fact critical to positive student outcomes. PAI’s Teacher Wellbeing workshop will give teachers a shared understanding of what wellbeing really means and strategies to support them to take immediate action, as well as plan for the long term.
To find out more visit the PAI website or telephone 08 8394 2100.
[1] WorkCover Australia Report 2014