
Stop stand downs of support staff in independent schools, unions demand

A small number of independent schools may stand down support staff without pay in Term 2 because of COVID-19, according…

4 years ago

Other countries are shutting schools – why does the Australian government say it’s safe to keep them open?

A big part of it is that there have been no documented outbreaks in schools that infected children have attended…

4 years ago

Kids shouldn’t have to repeat a year of school because of coronavirus. There are much better options

Many students are likely to be behind, and some will be very far behind. If schools are closed for all…

4 years ago

Safety first: digitising school visitor management

Sign-in protocols have changed drastically. A thorough visitor management system should be quick, seamless, and gather lots of data.

4 years ago

HSC will go ahead in spite of pressure to close schools

Effective immediately, principals or system authorities now have the power to make decisions about the number and weighting of HSC…

4 years ago

5 ways to keep human connections when moving learning online due to coronavirus

For those of you moving towards e-learning in the coming days, weeks and months... It’s not realistic to think that…

4 years ago

OP-Ed: No, Australia is not putting teachers in the coronavirus firing line. Their risk is very low

Although the risk is small, teachers aged above 65 or who have a chronic condition, should consider not going to…

4 years ago

UPDATE: PM orders schools to stay open this term, VIC brings schools holidays forward, NSW advises parents to pull kids out

Asked about the risk of students transmitting COVID-19 to teachers and school staff, the National Cabinet said it believes there…

4 years ago

No NAPLAN this year despite schools staying open (for now)

The decision to not proceed with NAPLAN in 2020 also means the scheduled testing of the NAPLAN Online platform, known…

4 years ago

What does social distancing and a hygiene regimen look like in schools right now?

The NSW department of education offers a closer look at its recommendations for schools in the state that has so…

4 years ago

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