Rural and remote families in Queensland will benefit from greater access to kindergarten programs from next year, education minister Kate Jones has announced, through expansion of the Remote Kindergarten Pilot in 2017.
“We are committed to providing universal access to kindergarten for Queensland families no matter where they live” she said. After providing kindergarten opportunities in 11 rural and remote communities, the expansion will see an additional 26 state schools included in the scheme.
“The program operates in state schools to make face-to-face kindergarten opportunities available to more Queensland children.
“Children in the program are placed in composite classes with Prep and other students delivered by their existing classroom teacher, with additional teacher aide support.”
Ms Jones said the expansion of the pilot would provide support to more than 100 Queensland families “We know how vital early childhood education is to prepare students for a confident start to school,” she said.
“Both the Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association and the Queensland Association for State School Principals are very supportive of the pilot and its expansion in 2017.”
“The delivery of kindergarten programs in a state school setting enables children to enjoy early learning opportunities, make new friends and build their connection with the school,” she said.
“The State Government also wants to ensure more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and children from disadvantaged backgrounds are involved in face-to-face kindergarten programs.”
More information on the Remote Kindergarten Pilot is available by calling the Kindy Hotline on 1800 4 KINDY (1800 454 639)